一晃眼已經2024了,新的一年裡千富也將不斷強化加工能量!為了能和各大廠家交流學習參覽是必不可少的!今年的站我們選擇在日本 AUTOMOTIVE WORLD !
AUTOMOTIVE WORLD 是一個匯聚汽車行業重要主題的盛會,包括汽車電子、互聯汽車、自動駕駛、電動汽車/混合動力汽車/燃料電池汽車、輕量化、加工技術、移動出行服務(MaaS)以及可持續出行。千富企業將在此展會中展現在電動車領域的創新技術與解決方案,為參與者帶來驚喜!
5,000+ attendees from 30+ countries visit the International Fastener Expo each year in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA to network and find new products and suppliers. 77% of attendees agree that the International Fastener Expo is a “must attend” event. Why? Because the International Fastener Expo is the most comprehensive B2B trade show that draws together the entire Fastener industry from around the world. It is the largest industrial, fastener, specialty fastener, machinery, and tooling show in North America where attendees and suppliers connect to network, build new relationships, nurture current relationships, and ultimately do business. All in one easy place; all within three days.
Reasons to Attend:
The show has been endorsed by more than 30 reputable publications and long-standing fastener associations
Our comprehensive conference program will help grow and strengthen your business
Opportunity to build new relationships, network with your peers, industry leaders, and business partners
Meet with your current suppliers and meet new ones
Find new products
Learn the latest technologies being used in the fastener industry
Who Should Attend:
Fastener Distributors
Fastener Importers
Master Distributors of Fasteners
Distributors and Master Distributors of Related Industry Products (machinery, tooling, software, packaging, safety, production, aerospace, MRO, construction, precision formed parts, VMI, military, installation tools)
Independent Sales Rep of Fasteners and Related Industry Products
https://www.chienfu.us/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Cheinfu-Sloky-Vegas-international-fastener-expo-2018-3.jpg14781108chienfu_achttps://www.chienfu.us/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/logo_color-2.pngchienfu_ac2021-02-02 07:55:492021-02-05 11:35:09千富SLOKY於拉斯維加斯國際扣件展攤位3159展出, OCT 31~NOV 01